Monday, March 15, 2010


By Tim Claubaugh

This Sunday, March 21, will mark the 325th birthday of one of the greatest composers (if not the single greatest composer) to have ever lived, Johann Sebastian Bach.

Bach was born in the little German village of Eisenach, Germany, in 1685, and spent many years (over 25 years) serving as Organist and Cantor (Music Director) of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany, where he died on July 28, 1750.

While he is known for his hundreds secular works of Keyboard, Orchestral Suites, and Concerti, Bach is also known for his hundreds of sacred works that he wrote (much while serving at St. Thomas) for organ, cantatas, and Masses. He wrote over 200 cantatas alone; one for each Sunday of the Liturgical year as well as 4 very large choral works: "St. John Passion;" St. Matthew Passion;" "Christmas Oratorio;" and the "Mass in B Minor." Each of these large choral works use orchestra, choir ("St. Matthew Passion" uses a double chorus); organ and soloists.

This Sunday, March 21, the Parish Choir will be performing 2 of Bach's choral pieces at the 9:30 Mass. The first is the famous "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" and the second piece is "Jesus Who Didst Ever Guide Me."

In the afternoon, the Sandusky Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will be having a "Church Walk Concert" of Bach's music at 3 downtown churches. This concert begins at 3:00. For more information, go to the American Guild of Organist Sandusky Chapter Website here.


  1. Tim, "single greatest composer", really?

  2. Really Heather, "single greatest composer"; as written by many music historians and scholars (i.e. those much wiser than I). :)

    - Tim Claubaugh
